Upcoming Projects

After reasonable success of the above three projects it is proposed to plan and implement two more projects:


With a view to increasing aptitude for science and research and self work in science subjects, it is proposed to set up a 24 x 7 science laboratory for school students who can come at any time and learn science by performing experiments on their own or under the guidance of a science teacher or research scholar. At present it is observed that the students learn science only from text books and unable to understand the concepts properly hence the project. A fully equipped laboratory is proposed to be set up in Ahmedabad by the Trust for this Project.


People of the weaker sections and areas of the society do not have enough access to routine medical treatment for small problems like, fever, diarea etc. In order to give them the facility a team of a Doctor and an assistant is proposed to be made available in such areas where the facility or access to doctor is not available. It is proposed to provide this facility in the form of a medical camp totally free of charge.To start with, one slum area shall be selected for the purpose.