
The Project of Education is started under the name GYANJYOT YOJANA. Under this project the Trust has started coaching of about 15 students studying in 1st to 7th standards in surrounding primary schools near Tavdippura. The venue of the project is situated at the RamdevPir Temple in Tavadipura.

The project has been started from August, 2016. Three teachers who have been committed to this work have been retained by the trust. They have the desire to teach the children of weaker section of the society. In addition to teaching the knowledge of the academic subjects, they also work on developing good habits and culture in them. We have engaged a voluntary Yoga teacher to teach them Yoga once in a week.

The teachers give the students tests of their acquired knowledge every three months and during the last 6 months considerable progress in their knowledge is observed.

There is additional demand for similar facility from parents of many other children in this area. However, due to lac of space available in this area the Trust has not been able accommodate more children under this project. The search for additional space near the existing place was on for the last two months and a room of about 30 ft x 12 ft has been finalized recently on rental basis for accommodating about 30 more students. At present the classes are operated two hours daily which planned to increase to 4 hours a day. With the additional space rented we will be able to accommodate at least 50 students everyday. We will need to engage two more teachers to cope up with the additional load of coaching.

To begin with we have started the coaching of all needy students. After this step, we propose to identify bright students and sponsor them for better and higher education.


For More Pictures of this project: Visit our Gallery Page

Everyone is welcomed to visit our projects. Please contact us and we can arrange a trip for the same.